>University of Cologne >Botanical Institute >Melkonian Laboratory

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how to access the NAS server
Computer Tutorial
NAS Server
Emergency phone list



SPIRULINA3 is a Network Attached Storage (NAS) Server designed for 24h/7d service. It's purpose is to provide a save and reliable file storage system for our group.



Inside the University Network UKLAN
You can access the server by clicking to spirulina3 in the Windows computer environment in workgroup "agmelkonian" or by entering the server name \\spirulina3 into the Windows Explorer or "Network Environment" (see figure below. Here, "\\" indicates that the target is to be accessed via network and not local on your computer). Also the IP address can be used instead of the server name.

Access spirulina3 from an place outside the UKLAN (e.g. from home)
You need to establish a secure VPN connection into the UKLAN first. A detailed step-by-step manual can be found at http://www.uni-koeln.de/rrzk/netze/vpn/. Once the VPN session is established, the server can be accessed again by entering \\ into the navigation bar of "My Computer" ("Arbeitsplatz") or "Network environment" ("Netzwerkumgebung").

[click to enlarge]


The Folder Structure

What you see if you are connected has some similarity to the picture above. What is essential for you is that there are two folders of main interest:

  • \\spirulina3\work ist the folder open for the group members. Here, you can exchange files with other people. In "work" there are several subfolders for specific groups or a folder to exchange files with Siggi Werth (photo_ebv). The folder \\Spirulina3\work\gelpics is accessible from the Hülskamps gel camera by using the old groups "agmel" account.
  • \\spirulina3\home contains "private" folders for the users. Every user has its own folder which can be accessed only by himself an by the administrators. These folders may also be used a the standard personal work folder to centralize your data if you are working on different computers during the day.

Aditionally, more folders are there:

  • \\Spirulina3\praktikum was installed for module students in our group and can be accessed from the students accounts (user "praktikum") at the PC computers.
  • \\Spirulina3\forall provides access for everyone in th UKLAN. This might be of interest e.g. if you need to exchange files with other groups in the institute. This folder is not for file storage, it'll be cleaned up regularly!



Of course, more folders can be provided if there's a need. Please contact Bjoern Podola (bpodola@uni-koeln.de) for folders, user accounts, problem reports and any other administrative issue.