>University of Cologne >Botanical Institute >Melkonian Laboratory

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Protist 2015
Volume 166 · Number 5
Instructions for Authors
List of Issues
Fritz-Schaudinn- Award


Original Papers


Glutamine Assimilation and Feedback Regulation of L-acetyl-N-glutamate Kinase Activity in Chlorella variabilis NC64A Results in Changes in Arginine Pools
Ekaterina Minaeva, Karl Forchhammer, Elena Ermilova


Ultrastructure and Membrane Traffic During Cell Division in the Marine Pennate Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Atsuko Tanaka, Alessandra De Martino, Alberto Amato, Anton Montsant, Benjamin Mathieu, Philippe Rostaing, Leila Tirichine, Chris Bowler


A Ribbon-like Structure in the Ejective Organelle of the Green Microalga Pyramimonas parkeae (Prasinophyceae) Consists of Core Histones and Polymers Containing N-acetyl-glucosamine
Takahiro Yamagishi, Akira Kurihara, Hiroshi Kawai


Metabolic Capacity of Mitochondrion-related Organelles in the Free-living Anaerobic Stramenopile Cantina marsupialis
Fumiya Noguchi, Shigeru Shimamura, Takuro Nakayama, Euki Yazaki, Akinori Yabuki, Tetsuo Hashimoto, Yuji Inagaki, Katsunori Fujikura, Kiyotaka Takishita


Host-specificity of Monoxenous Trypanosomatids: Statistical Analysis of the Distribution and Transmission Patterns of the Parasites from Neotropical Heteroptera
Eugene Kozminsky, Natalya Kraeva, Aygul Ishemgulova, Eva Dobáková, Julius Lukeš, Petr Kment, Vyacheslav Yurchenko, Jan Votýpka, Dmitri A. Maslov


Do All Dinoflagellates have an Extranuclear Spindle?
Eunyoung Moon, Seung Won Nam, Woongghi Shin, Myung Gil Park, D. Wayne Coats


Losses, Expansions, and Novel Subunit Discovery of Adaptor Protein Complexes in Haptophyte Algae
Laura JY. Lee, Mary J. Klute, Emily K. Herman, Betsy Read, Joel B. Dacks
