>University of Cologne >Botanical Institute >Melkonian Laboratory

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Protist 2020
Volume 171 · Number 2

Instructions for Authors
List of Issues
Fritz-Schaudinn- Award


Original Papers


Exploring Diversity, Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Diatoms (Bacillariophyta) from Marine Habitats. Novel Taxa with Internal Costae
A. Witkowski, M. Ashworth, C. Li, I. Sagna, D. Yatte, E. Górecka, A. O. R. Franco, W-H. Kusber, G. Klein, H. Lange-Bertalot, P. Dąbek, E. C. Theriot and S. R. Manning


Fine Structure Observation of Feeding Behavior, Nephroselmis spp.-derived Chloroplast Enlargement, and Mitotic Processes in the Katablepharid Hatena arenicola
M. Nomura, R. Kamikawa and K-i. Ishida


Unique Dynamics of Paramylon Storage in the Marine Euglenozoan Diplonema papillatum
I. Škodová-Sveráková, G. Prokopchuk, P. Peña-Diaz, K. Záhonová, M. Moos, A. Horváth, P. Šimek and J. Lukeš

Parablepharisma (Ciliophora) is not a Heterotrich:  A Phylogenetic and Morphological Study with the Proposal of New Taxa
P. H. Campello-Nunes, N. M. Fernandes, F. Szokoli, S. I. Fokin, V. Serra, L. Modeo, G. Petroni, C. A. G.Soares, T. da S. Paiva and I. D. da Silva-Neto


Shell Colour in Cercozoa; a Simple Trait to Distinguish Thecofilosea from Imbricatea?
K. Dumack and F. Siemensma