>University of Cologne >Botanical Institute >Melkonian Laboratory

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Phylogeny, Systematics and Evolution
Understanding the Algae
Research Projects
Cell Biology
About Phylogeny
ITS2 CBC species concept
Bio & Environmental Technology


Since the origin of oxygenic photosynthesis, life on planet earth changed once and forever leading to the evolution of complex life forms including humans. Algae were instrumental in most of these transitions building up the oxygen atmosphere, colonizing land, and providing, throughout their evolutionary history, carbon and energy to consumers ranging from unicellular organisms to humans. A specialized group of algae (crop plants) were domesticated by humans and kick-started civilization.

Our laboratory tries to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the algae through time using a molecular approach. Comparison of single and multiple gene sequences and complete genomes among diverse algae leads to unprecedented insights into the crucial steps of algal evolution such as the origin and fate of photosynthetic organelles, their spread through most of eukaryote diversity, the origin of embryophyte land plants, and morphological and functional adaptations to different environments. Rigorous phylogenetic analyses are used to unravel algal diversity from phylum to species. Our laboratory benefits from its association with CCAC, one of the largest repositories of living algal cultures worldwide, and collaborates with leading sequencing centers and phylogenomics groups.
Some of our current projects are highlighted on the subsequent pages.

A primer on molecular phylogeny has been prepared for this site by Kerstin Hoef-Emden